Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Missing you...

1 kesalahan kecil berakibat fatal...

19 maret 2009

sebelum les mandarin jm stg4, i lupa (tpatnya males sih) iket Perize aka Paris. pulang les tau2 ud ga ad. entah kemana... kmungkinan2: nyasar (0.001%), ketabrak mobil (0.00000000000000000000000000000000001%), dicolong orang (99%), lain2 (sisanya)sampe saat ini Paris masih dilaporkan hilang. satpam2 gerbang n keliling sudah dikonfirmasikan untuk membantu mencari n mengabari. tp masi blom ada tanda2 paris.hixhix..

Perize,帕丽丝(dulu namany gini bukan sih? lupa.haha),i miss u so much!!!

Happy Good Friday!!!

barusan isi acara gereja bwt jumat agung aka good friday, gw dibikin byk ngerenung, mulai dr praise service (or whatever that's called) bareng rekan2pekerja ppw sampe ketika i selese kebaktian dan pulang ke rumah, dan diingetin lagi skrg pas i isi ni blog. sblm event nya lewat n i terlalu males bwt nulis, i tulis skrg deh.hehehe

i ngerasa klo jumat agung kali ini tuh beda dr taon2sblmnya. jauh lbih dpt maknanya. bukan krn jmt agung th ini i habiskan di gereja, bukan jg i habiskan latian nari bwt playanan, jg bukan i habiskan ama si dudutz... tp yg bikin beda adalah, semua proses (terutama2-4minggu terakhir) dan kejadian2yg i alami...

1. mulai dari hilangnya Paris (19 Mar 09). sungguh tak disangka kejadian itu bs tjd gtu aja.. bahkan sampe berminggu2 i masi 'terbuai' ato terbingung2, kok bisa ya... karena hal yg bgitu sepele bs tjd hal yg bgitu besar (at least bwt i, paris tu more than just a pet, 'she' is more like my most bestest fren ever!!! even she's like my own 'child' (coz she so likes to be spoiled, esp by me, and how she always tries to do 'tricks' e.g. roll, sit, sleep, shake, to get my attention and get affection)... oh how i miss her!!!! even now whenever i look at her pictures, i still can hardly believe that she's no longer mine... not here... not now... (ciee... dialognya titanic bgt y.hehe..). pokoke paris tu important bgt deh. sungguh2 penting that losing her is like losing part of me!!!!

2. tugas n test yg slalu datang tak kunjung slese (sampe si endy aja binun, ya ga??hahah... maap ya terabaikan n jd ikutan kena distressin.hahhaa..) mulai dr cb (consumer behaviour) individual assignment n mid test, accounting taxation quiz1 and midtest, plus yg paling parah adalah cib (comm in business) individual assgmt interim report yg duenya tgl 8april alias hari rabu kmrn. byuhhh!!! bnr2 tugas terstress spanjang sejarah perstudian i (dari tk ampe skrg tu yg paling byuhh bgt).

3. selagi sibuk2nya kuliah, waktu jg mepet bwt mempersiapkan koreo (aka. koreografi) bwt nari pas jmt agung. i couldnt miss this opportunity!!! nari bareng ci yolan (yg punya Clay Dance) n anak2 rock yg worshipnya yoi bgt, wuihh!!! it's really a great honour!! kalo latian yg padat si no prob, tp yg bikin bt nya adalah: tengterententennnnnnn.... hari selasa tgl 7april09, dimana nanti malemnya i bakal latian bareng bwt slesein gaya, n rabunya review (optional sih) trus kamisnya GR (Gladi Resik) n jumatnya perform, eh ada aja, pas lg mo pulang kul (sore2gtu, maybe jm stg7an) eh tau2 kaki i kepletek tanpa alasan yg cukup reasonable.ckckck... alhasil malemnya bner2latian dgn sengsara... rabunya jg mengistirahatkan kaki, ga ikut review bareng. kamisnya jg GR dtgnya jm stg3an lwt gtu (mustiny jm2)

nah dr smua kejadian tu yg mnurut i bner2 gila, krn klo dalam keadaan biasa2 n nyantai2 si ok2 aja, tp smua tuh kjadianny bnr2 tak terduga n tpat pada waktu yg tidak pas... misal: i lg bner2butuh kaki (bahkan krn kaki i mgg sebelumny jg sakit tnp alasan yg jelas jg, so sminggu ini i kuliah pun pake spatu bwt mnjaga kaki spy jgn ampe cidera lagi menjelang tampil ampe tmn2pd binun). iya lanjut, dr smua kjadian tu, i br dicelikkan matanya tadi... td pas doa2 gtu, ada nyemplok satu ayat, isinya kira2 gini:"berbahagialah mereka yg menderita ato dicobai gtu deh, karena mereka bs merasakan bagian penderitaan Tuhan".

i jg inget klo qt mo ikut Tuhan, qt harus rela menyangkal diri n meninggalkan smua yg kita sayang, di alkitab contohny lbih ekstrim: musti ninggalin sanak saudara.. nah loh... hahah...yg no.1 tadi i kehilangan paris, mgkn karena paris tu berharga bwt i, n Tuhan mo i menyangkal diri, dgn merelakan dy dipiara am org yg lbih ngurus n care ama dy, lbih py byk waktu bwt dia... (amen!!)

trus jg yg no.2 and 3.., esp yg no 3 coz tu bnr2menyiksa bgt n i sering bgt bertanya2:"knp si Tuhan? i kan mo melayani di jumat agung pula, perform yg lbih dr skedar perform biasa, tp knp ada aja halangannya??" sampe2 i mikir jangan2tujuan i menari salah so i dont deserve to dance for Him. wahhh... bner2 dah, tersiksa abizz!!!

nah tadi i dpt pencerahan, apalagi pas disupport dgn meliat video dr cuplikan film 'the Passion of the Christ' yg pas bagian Dia disalib n disiksa, n diadili. wuahhh... i bener2 ter-... ter apa ya?? tersadar gtu, wah, Tuhan aja menderita sgitu parah ga ngeluh, tu Dia menderita bwt aku loh, gara2 manusia2inilah Allah harus nge-relain AnakNya yg tunggal (mirip kan ama i merelakan Paris yg tunggal, ya ga ya ga??hehehhe..jk). masa i yg cuman segini aja mewek sih.. itulah yg nguatin i untuk terus maju n ikut latian (nekadz) biarpun kaki n fisik kurang mendukung (abis sembuh dr sakit bahkan masi suka keleyengan). sampe hr rabu malam pun kaki i mc diperban, mc blom bs lari n jinjit.

tp mujizat dahsyat tjd pas hari kamis, GR.pdhl i jalan masi agak tergopoh2, eh taunya pas sampe GAC (Gading Auto Centre) tempat bakal narinya hari jumat, eh lgsg semangat n tau2ud bs nari dgn normal (walo masi agak sakit2dikit sih).ckckck... emg dahsyat!!!! n hari jumatnya,i.e. hari ini, kami smua bs menari dgn baik, at least i've tried my best, n baru kali ini i bener2 memaknai lagu yg i tariin esp pas "dalamnya kasihMu Bapa" and "Worthy is the Lamb"... bahkan mujizat besar jg terjadi on the spot buat lagu worthy is the Lamb. kmrn qt gaya blom jadi sempurna, blocking jg kacao abis (si endy sbagai saksi.hehe) gaya blom pada apal.. tapi tadi pas nari... wuahhh kushuk, n wuoooaaahhh bgt!!! i pas liat rekamannya jg jadi "whoaaa.... keren abizzz!!! Thx God!!!" hahaha.... smoga aja tuh video bs diposting di facebook (tp ada 1 yg aib abizz!!ehehhee..smoga ga dipost) tp seneng banget, krn dari smua kejadian itu, i jd bs bner2memaknai makna pengorbanan Allah n Tuhan di jumat agung, yg biasanya i lalui dgn gtu2aja...hahahaha....

YEY!!! WE ALL ARE MORE THAN WINNERS!!!!!! praise d Lord and Happy Good Friday, feel Him and His sacrifice!!!

Setengah tahun sudah

ga kerasa uda stengah taon ngejalanin th 2009.. i must say this year is really a tough year. perhaps the toughest in my whole life.. so many things i've to go through, and all of them are so darn crazy and hard. whenever i remember those moments n things, i could almost feel the very bit of the hardwork in going through that moment. haahhh...

now the semester has ended, a new beginning for a new part of my life will soon start. dunno what wil happen next. so many things i've done wrong (definitely maybe... lolz) yet i stil have no idea how to fix them. i believe i could go crazy if only my God and fam were not there beside me to comfort and cherish me.. for that, i really thank them, esp my God!!

yepp.. nu life will soon begin.. maybe some things have ended, and they might not have ended up as good as i've imagined but i'm sure they will be alright soon. amen...

hyuhh.. so many things to tell, yet cant express my feelings, cant find perfect words to describe it. so tired.. arrghh!!..

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blog Update: Writing

Applying to reputable universities, writing CVs and resumes, making corporate reports, doing assignments and projects, answering final exam questions, and even creating attractive and easy-to-read blogs require excellent writing skills.

What is your impression when reading newspaper articles, columnist's journals, or even novels? "no idea, I only read the headings and look at the pictures", or "yea, understandable, the plot is good, so what?"

Hey, wake up, pals!! Try to make your own story, or at least write a page of whatever you want, if you do not end up just staring at that blank page for an hour or two. Just now I read a guide on 'Rules for Writers' the fifth edition, I must say that reading even less than twenty pages had made my eyes wide open of the complicated, intriguing zone a writer ought to face; starting from the planning (i.e. choosing and determining your topic, subtopics, target audience, and finding supporting documentations) to the drafting--the second part, which is, well, the furthest I could read so far. ouch...

Some of you might wonder why on earth I am reading such a book. Believe me, though, before I read an action-thriller novel written by 'the best selling novelist'--as the book quotes--and 3 pages to go to the end of chapter one, I have found myself nodding up and down sleeping, without even understanding what I have read (or should I say, stared?? hmm..). First factor, the novel is the continuation of previous 3 novels and I never read them; second, my very minimum English proficiency; or third, maybe I am not the correct target reader (read: the writing is just not suitable for me). Hence, pre-determining the target reader would heavily conclude the success of the writing.

I am not a big fan of thriller stories so reading such words as non-human, prey, and other nonsense made me bored and less interested. On the other hand, I have long wanting to enhance my writing skills thus reading that guidebook made me think of what I should do in the future to make my writing more well readable. But as a formula projects, 'theory-practice=0' then excessive theories must be balanced again with excessive practice. This is what triggers me to reactivate my long-hibernated blog (despite there is no winter time in Jakarta ;p).

As such, warm welcome to all existing and, hopefully, new readers!!! Nevertheless, I do not bother determining my target reader as I know perfectly clear that the loyal reader would be... ME; thus, I write the way I like, all the things that pass my brain, and this technique is called--FREE-WRITING (Hacker 2004). cheers ^^